Eldora UI
Eldora UI
  1. Templates
  2. Developer Portfolio

Developer Portfolio

✨ My portfolio built with Next.js, Tailwind, Typescript and Eldora UI.

What is this?

A complete template to market yourself and your portfolio to the world as a developer.

Why should I use this?

✅ Save 100+ hours of work
✅ No need to learn advanced animations
✅ Easy to configure and change
✅ 1-click download and setup
✅ 5 minutes to update the text and images
✅ Deploy live to Vercel


  • Hero Section
  • About Section
  • Work Section
  • Education Section
  • Projects Section
  • Contributions Section
  • Hackathon Section
  • Contact Section
  • Blog

Installation through CLI

Clone this repository to your local machine:

git clonehttps://github.com/karthikmudunuri/karthikmudunuri.site.git

Move to the cloned directory:

cd karthikmudunuri.site

Install dependencies:

npm install

Start the local Server:

npm run dev

Open the data file and change the content thats it! its yours..

Inspired from leerob

Built by karthikmudunuri. The source code is available on GitHub.