- Components
- Sections
- Pricing
These components are used to build the pricing of the website.
- Unlimited placeholder texts
- Consectetur adipiscing elit
- Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat
- Officia deserunt mollit anim
Most Popular
- Unlimited placeholder texts
- Consectetur adipiscing elit
- Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat
- Officia deserunt mollit anim
- Predefined chunks as necessary
- Unlimited placeholder texts
- Consectetur adipiscing elit
- Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat
- Officia deserunt mollit anim
- Predefined chunks as necessary
- Free from repetition
Copy and paste the following code into your project.
'use client'
import { useState } from 'react'
interface PricingTabProps {
yearly: boolean
popular?: boolean
planName: string
price: {
monthly: number
yearly: number
planDescription: string
features: string[]
function PricingTab(props: PricingTabProps) {
return (
<div className={`h-full ${props.popular ? 'dark' : ''}`}>
<div className="relative flex flex-col h-full p-6 rounded-2xl bg-white dark:bg-slate-900 border border-slate-200 dark:border-slate-900 shadow shadow-slate-950/5">
{props.popular && (
<div className="absolute top-0 right-0 mr-6 -mt-4">
<div className="inline-flex items-center text-xs font-semibold py-1.5 px-3 bg-emerald-500 text-white rounded-full shadow-sm shadow-slate-950/5">Most Popular</div>
<div className="mb-5">
<div className="text-slate-900 dark:text-slate-200 font-semibold mb-1">{props.planName}</div>
<div className="inline-flex items-baseline mb-2">
<span className="text-slate-900 dark:text-slate-200 font-bold text-3xl">$</span>
<span className="text-slate-900 dark:text-slate-200 font-bold text-4xl">{props.yearly ? props.price.yearly : props.price.monthly}</span>
<span className="text-slate-500 font-medium">/mo</span>
<div className="text-sm text-slate-500 mb-5">{props.planDescription}</div>
<a className="w-full inline-flex justify-center whitespace-nowrap rounded-lg bg-indigo-500 px-3.5 py-2.5 text-sm font-medium text-white shadow-sm shadow-indigo-950/10 hover:bg-indigo-600 focus-visible:outline-none focus-visible:ring focus-visible:ring-indigo-300 dark:focus-visible:ring-slate-600 transition-colors duration-150" href="#0">
Purchase Plan
<div className="text-slate-900 dark:text-slate-200 font-medium mb-3">Includes:</div>
<ul className="text-slate-600 dark:text-slate-400 text-sm space-y-3 grow">
{props.features.map((feature, index) => {
return (
<li key={index} className="flex items-center">
<svg className="w-3 h-3 fill-emerald-500 mr-3 shrink-0" viewBox="0 0 12 12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
<path d="M10.28 2.28L3.989 8.575 1.695 6.28A1 1 0 00.28 7.695l3 3a1 1 0 001.414 0l7-7A1 1 0 0010.28 2.28z" />
export default function PricingTable() {
const [isAnnual, setIsAnnual] = useState<boolean>(true)
return (
{/* Pricing toggle */}
<div className="flex justify-center max-w-[14rem] m-auto mb-8 lg:mb-16">
<div className="relative flex w-full p-1 bg-white dark:bg-slate-900 rounded-full">
<span className="absolute inset-0 m-1 pointer-events-none" aria-hidden="true">
<span className={`absolute inset-0 w-1/2 bg-indigo-500 rounded-full shadow-sm shadow-indigo-950/10 transform transition-transform duration-150 ease-in-out ${isAnnual ? 'translate-x-0' : 'translate-x-full'}`}></span>
<button className={`relative flex-1 text-sm font-medium h-8 rounded-full focus-visible:outline-none focus-visible:ring focus-visible:ring-indigo-300 dark:focus-visible:ring-slate-600 transition-colors duration-150 ease-in-out ${isAnnual ? 'text-white' : 'text-slate-500 dark:text-slate-400'}`} onClick={() => setIsAnnual(true)} aria-pressed={isAnnual}>Yearly <span className={`${isAnnual ? 'text-indigo-200' : 'text-slate-400 dark:text-slate-500'}`}>-20%</span></button>
<button className={`relative flex-1 text-sm font-medium h-8 rounded-full focus-visible:outline-none focus-visible:ring focus-visible:ring-indigo-300 dark:focus-visible:ring-slate-600 transition-colors duration-150 ease-in-out ${isAnnual ? 'text-slate-500 dark:text-slate-400' : 'text-white'}`} onClick={() => setIsAnnual(false)} aria-pressed={isAnnual}>Monthly</button>
<div className="max-w-sm mx-auto grid gap-6 lg:grid-cols-3 items-start lg:max-w-none">
{/* Pricing tab 1 */}
price={{ yearly: 29, monthly: 35 }}
planDescription="There are many variations available, but the majority have suffered."
'Unlimited placeholder texts',
'Consectetur adipiscing elit',
'Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat',
'Officia deserunt mollit anim',
]} />
{/* Pricing tab 2 */}
price={{ yearly: 49, monthly: 55 }}
planDescription="There are many variations available, but the majority have suffered."
'Unlimited placeholder texts',
'Consectetur adipiscing elit',
'Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat',
'Officia deserunt mollit anim',
'Predefined chunks as necessary',
]} />
{/* Pricing tab 3 */}
price={{ yearly: 79, monthly: 85 }}
planDescription="There are many variations available, but the majority have suffered."
'Unlimited placeholder texts',
'Consectetur adipiscing elit',
'Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat',
'Officia deserunt mollit anim',
'Predefined chunks as necessary',
'Free from repetition',
]} />
Update the import paths to match your project setup.
The PricingTab component accepts the following props:
Name | Type | Default | Description |
yearly | boolean | false | Indicates whether the pricing is for a yearly plan (true) or monthly plan (false). |
popular | boolean | false | Optional. If true, adds a "Most Popular" label to the plan. |
planName | string | N/A | The name of the pricing plan. |
price | object | N/A | An object containing monthly and yearly prices for the plan. |
price.monthly | number | N/A | The monthly price of the plan. |
price.yearly | number | N/A | The yearly price of the plan. |
planDescription | string | N/A | A brief description of the plan. |
features | string[] | N/A | An array of features included in the plan. |