PreviewCode6 / 10 Installation pnpmnpmyarnbunpnpm add framer-motion CopyCopy and paste the following code into your project.components/eldoraui/scaleslider.tsx"use client"; import { useState, useEffect, useRef } from "react"; import { motion, useSpring, useMotionValue, useTransform, MotionValue, } from "framer-motion"; interface ScaleSliderProps { defaultValue?: number; minValue?: number; maxValue?: number; damping?: number; stiffness?: number; } const AnimatedValue = ({ value, progress, minValue, maxValue, }: { value: number; progress: MotionValue<number>; minValue: number; maxValue: number; }) => { const previousValue = useRef(value); const direction = value > previousValue.current ? 1 : -1; const isFirstRender = useRef(true); useEffect(() => { previousValue.current = value; if (isFirstRender.current) { isFirstRender.current = false; } }, [value]); return ( <div className="flex"> <motion.div key={value} initial={ isFirstRender.current ? false : { y: direction * 15, opacity: 0 } } animate={{ y: 0, opacity: 1 }} exit={{ y: -direction * 15, opacity: 0 }} transition={{ duration: 0.3 }} className="w-full text-right" > {value} </motion.div> <span className="pl-1"> / {maxValue}</span> </div> ); }; const ScaleSlider: React.FC<ScaleSliderProps> = ({ defaultValue = 6, minValue = 1, maxValue = 10, damping = 20, stiffness = 300, }) => { const [currentValue, setCurrentValue] = useState(defaultValue); const range = maxValue - minValue; const notchSize = 100 / range; const x = useMotionValue(((defaultValue - minValue) / range) * 100); const xSpring = useSpring(x, { damping, stiffness }); const width = useTransform(xSpring, [0, 100], ["0%", "100%"]); const progress = useTransform(x, (latest) => { return (latest % notchSize) / notchSize; }); const handleChange = (e: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => { const newValue = parseFloat(; x.set(newValue); }; const handleDragEnd = () => { const closestNotch = Math.round(x.get() / notchSize) * notchSize; x.set(closestNotch); }; useEffect(() => { const unsubscribe = x.onChange((latest) => { const newValue = Math.round((latest / 100) * range) + minValue; if (newValue !== currentValue) { setCurrentValue(newValue); } }); return () => unsubscribe(); }, [x, notchSize, currentValue, range, minValue]); return ( <div className="mx-auto mt-8 w-full max-w-md"> <div className="relative flex h-12 items-center gap-3 rounded-full bg-black pl-4 pr-6 dark:bg-white"> {/* Value Indicator */} <div className="relative flex h-6 w-12 items-center justify-center whitespace-nowrap text-sm font-semibold text-white dark:text-black"> <AnimatedValue value={currentValue} progress={progress} minValue={minValue} maxValue={maxValue} /> </div> <div className="relative h-1/3 w-full"> {/* Gray background with notches */} <div className="absolute inset-0 rounded-full bg-neutral-800 dark:bg-neutral-300"> <div className="absolute inset-0 flex items-center justify-between px-1"> {[...Array(range + 1)].map((_, i) => ( <div key={i} className="dark: h-2 w-2 rounded-full bg-neutral-400" ></div> ))} </div> </div> {/* Slider */} <motion.div className="absolute inset-y-0 left-0 z-10 rounded-l-full bg-white dark:bg-black" style={{ width }} > {/* Thumb */} <motion.div className="absolute right-0 top-1/2 h-6 w-6 -translate-y-1/2 translate-x-1/2 rounded-full border-2 border-neutral-800 bg-white shadow-md dark:border-neutral-300 dark:bg-black" /> </motion.div> {/* Slider input */} <input type="range" min="-3" max="103" value={x.get()} onChange={handleChange} onPointerUp={handleDragEnd} className="absolute -inset-x-3 inset-y-0 z-20 w-[calc(100%+1.5rem)] cursor-pointer opacity-0" /> </div> </div> </div> ); }; export ScaleSlider;CopyExpandUpdate the import paths to match your project setup. Props PropTypeDescriptionDefaultdefaultValuenumberThe initial value of the slider6minValuenumberThe minimum value of the slider1maxValuenumberThe maximum value of the slider10dampingnumberControls the damping of the spring animation20stiffnessnumberControls the stiffness of the spring animation300